Protests Around the World in Solidarity with Palestine (VIDEO)

Hundreds of Italian activists marched in solidarity with the Palestinian people in Rome, Saturday, May 12. (Photo: via Twitter)

Protests in solidarity with the Palestinian people took place in several cities around the world.

Naples, Italy

Italian activists protested downtown Naples against he killing of dozens  of unarmed Palestinians by Israeli soldiers in Gaza.

Stiamo a via toledo in presidio in solidarietà con il popolo palestinese.Oggi in palestina l'esercito israeliano…

Gepostet von Coordinamento Napoli Palestina am Montag, 14. Mai 2018

Houston, U.S.A.

Palestinians and American activists in Houston protested in support of the March of Return.

Rome, Italy

Palestinians and Italian activists hold a banner reading: “Life, land and freedom for the Palestinian People. Jerusalem is the eternal Capital of Palestine. We say no to the Wall and to Israeli occupation. Free Palestine”.

GRAZIE Roma e bella Italia, per la solidarietà, l'amicizia. GRAZIE Vittorio Arrigoni e Peppino Impastato.No all'…

Gepostet von Yousef Salman am Samstag, 12. Mai 2018


London, UK

Anti-Zionist Jews belonging to the religious group of Neturei Karta protested in London in support of the Great March of Return.

?? #Uk : Jews from the anti Zionism religious jewish group of Neturi Karta participated in the protest in front of the Israeli embassy in #London in the 70th anniversary of the Nakba and in support of the Great March of Return . . يهود من " ناطوري كارتا" يشاركون في مظاهرة أمام السفارة الصهيونية في لندن بالذكرى الـ 70 لنكبة الشعب الفلسطيني ودعما لـ #مسيرة_العودة_الكبرى . ناطوري كارتا" هي حركة يهودية أرثودكسية ترفض الصهيونية بكل أشكالها وتعارض وجود ما يسمى "إسرائيل" وتنادي بخلع وإنهاء الكيان الإسرائيلي. . ?? #IDN : Yahudi Anti Zionis, kelompok Yahudi Naturi Karta berpartisipasi dalam protes di depan Kedutaan Israel di London, untuk memperingati Nakba (Hari Malapetaka Palestina) dan mendukung Masirah Al Awdah (#TheGreatReturn March) . ?? #TR : #Filistin : Nakba'nın 70. yıldönümünde Büyük Geri Dönüşü'ne destek olmak için, Siyonizm karşıtı Yahudi bir grup olan Neturi Karta, #Londra 'da israil Büyükelçiliği önünde düzenlenen protestoya katıldı.

A post shared by Eye On Palestine (@eye.on.palestine) on

Also, a mass protest was held last Friday in front of the Israeli Embassy in London.

Chicago, U.S.A.

DePaul University students prepared for the Nakba march in Chicago.

Mercogliano, Italy

Pro-Palestinian activists protest againsted the Giro d’Italia, which started from Jerusalem on May 4.


Gepostet von Flavia Maria Lepre am Samstag, 12. Mai 2018

(PC, Social Media)

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