Israel’s Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely has met with representatives of YouTube and Google to discuss ways to cooperate in what she calls the fight against “inciting violence and terrorism”.
Israel’s Maariv newspaper reported yesterday that Hotovely agreed to work with Google and YouTube in order to establish a joint working mechanism to monitor and prevent the publication of “inflammatory material” originating in the Palestinian territories.
Since the latest escalation of violence between Palestinians and Israeli security services that erupted at the beginning of October, many people have been sharing videos depicting Israeli aggression towards Palestinians to highlight the Palestinian perspective of the conflict. London-based Arab newspaper Al-Araby Al-Jadeed has expressed concerns that the meetings suggest moves towards censoring Palestinian material on the part of the Israeli state.
Are you serious? Who the hell does Israel think it is??
To go to Google and Youtube to censor the people of PALESTINE, just goes to show what terrorists the Israelies really are… If you don’t want the world to see your coward acts, then stop killing the innocent in Palestine and get out of Palestine.
The truth, just the truth!
That is why it is essential to boycott google…delete anything related to google..use other means to search and post…as this spreads (and it will spread if people tell their friends and relatives to do just that)..hopefully google will get the message. Just as the BDS movement has grown…it is imperative to strick/post at google as “RACIST” in any review or post you come across, wether its related to palestine or not. It coiuld be a a food review, anything…post “Google = Racist Censorship”.
Boycotting (tax evading) Google just can’t work. It can’t even be done. Google is too big. And Google owns YouTube. Isn’t that where we go to see visual evidence of Nazi Israel’s atrocities?
Google is too big. Other tactics and measures will be necessary.
I’ve seen reports of violence by settlers and soldiers against Palestinian men, women and children in very mainstream news outlets. Jewish organisations such as Rabbis For Human Rights have also carried this kind of footage . Of course one should be careful to check the source of any film or report, but mainstream news services, religious organisations and human rights groups are to be trusted I think.
They are just expressing the reality of what an illegitimate terrorist organisation that they really are. Of course, it doesn’t say much for Google and YouTube either.
If Google/Youtube goes along with this, we will take our business elsewhere. Tzipi Hotovely is desecrating the memory of Albert Einstein. Criticizm is NOT Anti-Semitism.
Do not betray the freedom of Press, for the
Jews money.
And is Google going to work on a “joint mechanism” to prevent the publication of “inflamatory material” that depicts horrendous and inflamatory scenes and attributes them to Palestinians or People from other Arab countries — many of them photo-shopped, or linked to incindiary statements by radicals — not reporting or recording actual events, but embedded in propaganda videos? With no effort I can name a couple…a video by someone poating as Oriel Mano filled with images of blooded corpses attributed to Palestinian violence, and many things posted by Stand With Us purporting to show Arabs’ disdain for life, plus all kinds of ugly stuff posted by members of the Israeli Defense Forces..etc.
By this logic it would also make sense to suppress videos of police misconduct here in the land of the free and the home of the brave.
BDS for Justice!
Another desperate attempt by Israel to hide its inhumane treatment of Palestinian men women and children..let’s hope Google and others treat this with the contempt it deserves
If Israel really wanted to stop “anti-Israel violence”, their first step should be apply the same value to Palestinian lives, rights and aspirations as their own. While they continue to treat Palestinians as “cockroaches infesting their land”, they have no grounds on which to complain about retaliation. I sincerely hope that Google and Youtube do not agree to this proposal. If Israel is successful, no doubt vision of suicide bombers will still be available, so they can advance the notion that they are completely innocent and being targeted just because they are Jewish.
utube goole. DONT BE COWARDS. keep sending the truth!!!!!!
I’m a white Irish American and I’m completely against Israel and they’re oppressive and inhumane ways. Israel deserves nothing and the land should be returned to the Palestinian people. The Israeli leaders should be tried for they’re crimes against humanity just like the Nazi’s. Shame on Israel.
Google has already fallen to the isreali governments arm twisting..google “jerusalem”..shows up as capital of isreal. no other search engine does this. This is not generated by software as some have suggested – but an intentional input.
The greatest violence you can perpetrate on an enemy is to make yourself greater and mores successful than them in everyway – educationally, economically, scientifically, culturally, artistically. Making your people greater than your enemy in everyway empowers you and weakens your enemy. The greatest crime of people who use violence to destroy is stupidity, ignorance, laziness, weakness and the betrayal of future generations of their own people. Using violence to destroy is no better than taking a drug – a desperate quick empty fix that destroys the addict and causes others to metaphorically walk to the other side of the road