Gaza: Hope and Fog (PHOTOS)

Despite the siege, the COVID-19 pandemic and the blanket of fog, the people of Gaza remain committed to their love for life. (Photo: Fawzi Mahmoud, The Palestine Chronicle)

Imagine Gaza, in fact, the whole of Palestine, without war, without siege, without military occupation and without apartheid walls. 

Despite over 70 years of relentless colonialism, Palestine remains full of hope. The Palestinian people ache for normalcy. Their love for life is unmatched, perhaps because they have been deprived of their freedom for far too long.

Palestine Chronicle photojournalist Fawzi Mahmoud captures the spirit of Palestine in Gaza. Despite the state of siege, the COVID-19 pandemic and the blanket of fog, the people of Gaza remain committed to their love for life. 

We hope that you enjoy this gallery, and share with Gaza’s besieged population a moment of fun, peace and tranquillity.

(All Photos: Fawzi Mahmoud)

(The Palestine Chronicle)

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