Palestinian MP Jamal Al-Khoudary, Head of the Popular Committee to End Gaza’s Siege, said in a press statement that building a passage through the sea is one way to end Gaza’s siege. In addition, he called for opening all crossings in Gaza and connecting Gaza with the West Bank.
Al-Khoudary noted that building a passage through the sea for Gaza is not an alternative to the existing crossings, but helps break the siege.
He highlighted the continuing efforts to break the siege on Gaza, which was been in effect for the last ten years, the most recent being the two Women’s boats, Amal and Zaytouna, which are bound for Gaza.
استمرار الحصار بعني استمرار معاناة مليوني فلسطيني يعيشوا ظروف استثنائية في #غزة شنت اسرائيل ثلاث حروب عليها في ٦ سنوات ضاعفت المعاناة
— النائب جمال الخضري (@jamalkhoudary) September 25, 2016
(The continuation of the siege means the continuation of the suffering of two million Palestinians in Gaza. Israel has launched three wars on Gaza in six years)
He added that the success of women in breaking Gaza’s siege would allow them to see how the lack of reconstruction and the high percentages of poverty in Gaza have affected the coastal enclave.
Al-Khoudary concluded that international efforts to break the siege would continue until “we reach a situation where we would live free of siege and suffering and in which Palestinians live in peace and establish their own state with Jerusalem as its capital”.
(PC, Palestine Now)