The BDS movement is launching a boycott campaign against Hyundai over the use of its equipment by the Israeli authorities in the recent demolitions of many homes of Palestinian citizens of Israel in the Bedouin village of Umm al-Hiran in the Negev, on January 18 2017, and in Qalansawa, on January 10 2017, according to a statement published by the BDS movement, according to the PIC.
“Despite being faced with documented evidence of its persistent complicity in Israeli ethnic cleansing policies against Palestinians and Syrians in the territories occupied since 1967, Hyundai has failed to stop its business-as-usual involvement,” the statement reads.
Israel violates Palestinian human rights daily&multinational corporations such as Hyundai,HP,G4S facilitate such violations #لنقاطع_هيونداي pic.twitter.com/mmaPEA9cBm
— Samar Saeed (@Samarsaeed) February 8, 2017
“It has thus forfeited its responsibilities as stated in the UN Global Compact and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights,” according to the statement.
The statement affirmed that Hyundai, one of the world’s largest automotive manufacturers that specializes in excavation and construction equipment, sells its products to Israel with full knowledge that they are used in the demolition of Palestinian homes, particularly in the occupied-Jerusalem neighborhoods of Silwan, Beit Hanina, Surbaher, al-Issawiyya and at-Tur.
Palestinians call for boycott of Hyundai because it’s helping Israel’s ethnic cleansing https://t.co/zKGy8CCRSi #لنقاطع_هيونداي pic.twitter.com/OW9hMkwIGv
— Ali Abunimah (@AliAbunimah) February 8, 2017
The BDS pointed out that numerous human rights defenders have documented Israel’s use of Hyundai equipment in the construction of Israel’s illegal settlements, such as Halamish, near Ramallah, and the Barkan industrial zone, in the northern West Bank.
“This involvement by Hyundai is a flagrant form of complicity in Israel’s settlement policy, which was recently condemned by the UNSC resolution 2334 and which constitutes a war crime according to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court,” the statement concluded.
أعاد الاحتلال هدم العراقيب في النقب اليوم للمرة 109 على التوالي مستخدماً جرافات هيونداي #لنقاطع_هيونداي فإن المقاطعة أحد أشكال مقاومة. pic.twitter.com/keWXnrTXME
— حركة مقاطعة اسرائيل (@BDS_Arabic) February 8, 2017
(Translation: the Israeli occupation forces have re-demolished the Araqib village for the 109th time using equipment manufactured by Hyundai, let’s boycott Hyundai).
A twitter campaign has been launched yesterday to highlight Hyundai’s involvement in the demolition of Palestinian houses and in order to pressure the company to withdraw from Israel.
(PIC, PC, Social Media)