By Sam Husseini
I can’t say I’m surprised by the liberal turn on Trump. I said a couple of weeks ago that Trump and the establishment media were like George and Martha in “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?”
What I meant was that they are a deranged, destructive couple who argue like mad, but ultimately collude to destroy others. So, anger and hate give way to insidious bond and admiration in how they each fulfill their roles in the larger manipulative project.
So, Van Jones is admiring of Trump now really “becoming the President” because of Trump’s emotional manipulation in the person of Carryn Owens. Jones did this because he’s a triangulator himself and because he is very much part of the continuing imperial project.
Some of this rather reminds me of how the media used Jessica Lynch to pretended she was in danger to continue selling the invasion of Iraq at a critical moment in 2003. The actual scandals are pushed aside: The criminal invasion of Iraq then; the US-backed Saudi destruction of Yemen now.
Disinformation and emotional manipulation for the privileged “race” of USians is the order of the day. Feminism and femininity are weaponized as all emotion is focused on one person to the exclusion of the suffering of others.
I imagine it’s how The Passion Plays were used to fuel hatred of Jews; it’s how Israel uses the Nazi Holocaust to excuse all its criminality.
The other major such manipulation last night was highlighting African American “victims” of public schools and “illegal immigrants”. This allows Trump to ridiculously pose as an anti-racist xenophobe. As Martin Luther King warned in his final days: “We’re integrating into a burning house.”
– Sam Husseini is communications director for the Institute for Public Accuracy. He also founded the website votepact.org, which encourages principled progressives to work with conscientious conservatives. He contributed this article to PalestineChronicle.com.