Palestinians living in the village of Umm Al-Naser in the northern Gaza Strip, walk long distances to reach places where water is available.
It is not easy to obtain water in the village of Umm Al-Naser in the northern Gaza Strip.
There is simply no running water in this place, hosting one of Gaza’s poorest populations.
So to obtain water, especially during extremely hot weather, which is felt throughout much of the Middle East, in fact, the world, people here simply have to travel.
They walk long distances, on foot, or on donkey carts, to reach places where water is available.
Once they fill up small water containers for cooking and tea, the kids bathe and enjoy themselves almost unaware of their own hardship.
The Palestine Chronicle joined a family from Umm Al-Nasr in its daily quest for water.
This journey highlights the problem of water shortage in Palestine due to the Israeli siege and occupation.
It also highlights the unequal distribution of water facilities, which neglects isolated and impoverished areas.
And finally, it highlights the resilience of Palestinian families and the innocence of their children, who found joy in things most people take for granted; for example, water.
(All Photos: Mahmoud Ajjour, The Palestine Chronicle)