In response to a petition filed by human rights groups against the disproportionate use of force and live ammunition against unarmed Palestinian protesters, Israeli Army said its actions were consistent with Israeli and international laws.
Human rights groups argue the Israeli army’s open-fire regulations violate international law. The Israeli government claims the use of deadly force is justified — even against unarmed demonstrators. https://t.co/w1Wzi5W5gi pic.twitter.com/MVOoHG5azw
— The IMEU (@theIMEU) May 4, 2018
The army has claimed that the Great March of Return is similar to “a state of war”, therefore, human rights laws do not apply.
In response to petition filed by human rights groups, IDF says its directives 'comply with Israeli and international law' https://t.co/4i8SUE9vDA
— Haaretz.com (@haaretzcom) April 29, 2018
Without providing any evidence, Israel claimed that during the demonstrations, “Hamas carried out acts of aggression against Israel” which prompted “sustained armed confrontation between the two sides.”
These claims have been refuted by witnesses on the ground.
(MEMO, PC, Social Media)