Youssef Ajjour is a 35-year-old teacher from Gaza. He has just launched a very special project named “We will read you, do not forget”.
The aim is to teach students with learning difficulties in reading and writing using alternative and exciting educational tools.
The Palestine Chronicle met with Ajjour to discuss this important initiative.
“My project has been submitted to the Special Education Department in Gaza,” Ajjour told us.
“My hope is to help students with learning difficulties. Following initial diagnostic tests, we selected a number of children who are now included in the project,” he continued.
Ajjour’s classes are being held at the Safad Elementary School in Gaza.
“Children will be supported through innovative educational tools. We combine interacting methods to forms of entertainment, which make the experience interesting for students with special needs,” Ajjour concluded.
(All Photos: Mahmoud Ajjour, The Palestine Chronicle)