Erdan’s allegations did not sit well with China’s and UN Ambassador Zhang Jun, who had presided over the meeting on Wednesday.
“Shame on you! Shame on you,” Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan said, addressing a UN Security Council meeting.
The shaming of UN briefers by Erdan was a result of his allegations that UN officials and agencies refer to Israeli victims as “mere footnotes.”
“Where was UN Women’s outrage at Hamas treating women like property and using them as human shields? Why is it that only now you have decided to talk about the women and children of Gaza?” Erdan said.
The moment China’s UN Ambassador Zhang Jun shushed Gilad Erdan at the UN Security Council meeting. pic.twitter.com/d3l3iUtVtG
— The Palestine Chronicle (@PalestineChron) November 23, 2023
Erdan’s allegations did not sit well with China’s and UN Ambassador Zhang Jun, who had presided over the meeting on Wednesday.
“Distinguished representative of Israel,” Zhang interfered, “I would like to remind you that you can fully express your different opinions in your statement, but please show respect at least for the briefers invited to the meeting.”
The Chinese Ambassador added,
“This is the consistent practice of the Security Council and a rule that everyone should abide by. I would like to remind you to pay attention. And please, continue your speech”.
To which Erdan responded without protestation, “Thank you, Mr. President”.
China has played a leading role in challenging the American pro-Israel political discourse at the United Nations and was one of the first countries to demand an immediate and unconditional ceasefire in Gaza.
(The Palestine Chronicle)
The censorship in the US for one place is sickening. No one is allowed to speak up for Palestinians, in letters, on air, on college campuses, in newspapers. People lose their jobs if they criticize Israel who we all know wants to rid Palesine of anyone but Jews. Not surprised by the exchange you relate.