Abu Obeida: On Israeli Losses, Prisoners and ‘Dumpsters of History’ – Statement

Abu Obeida, the military spokesman for the Al-Qassam Brigades. (Photo: Al-Qassam military media, Video grab)

By Palestine Chronicle Staff  

In his latest speech on Monday, November 13, Abu Obeida, the military spokesman for the Al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of the Palestinian Resistance Movement Hamas, made several announcements.

He talked about Israel’s intentional delay of a prisoner swap deal, the killing, in an Israeli bombing, of an Israeli soldier, and the number of Israeli military vehicles destroyed in the last 48 hours.

Below are excerpts from Abu Obeida’s speech as communicated by the Resistance News Network through their telegram Channel. 

The Palestine Chronicle did not edit or interfere in the translation of the text in any way, except in the addition of subtitles. 

Military Vehicles Destroyed

“38 days after the beginning of the Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood, our fighters continue to confront the enemy’s Nazi forces and their vehicles, which are infiltrating Gaza City and Beit Hanoun from several directions.

“Our fighters are conducting surveillance operations and approaching enemy vehicles and the fortified positions of their soldiers. They maneuver in all areas of incursion, directing strikes to blow up tanks and armored vehicles, attacking enemy soldiers’ fortification points in some buildings, and bombarding their gatherings with mortar shells and guided missiles, inflicting casualties and fatalities among the enemy ranks.

“In the last 48 hours, our fighters have managed to completely or partially destroy 20 military vehicles, including tanks and armored vehicles, in areas of enemy force infiltration. Additionally, our fighters attacked buildings where enemy soldiers are fortified with anti-fortification and anti-personnel shells.

“The invading occupation forces will remain under the strikes of the fighters at every step they take. The penetration of vehicles under the impact of destruction and indiscriminate bombing, as well as the prolongation of the war, will incur more losses for the enemy, and the price will be steeped by the will and strength of Allah.

‘Mother of All Battles’ 

“The sick dreams of the Zionist war leadership to eliminate our Resistance in Gaza are an attempt to escape from the resounding defeat and the bitter reality they live in. These people, whose faces are covered in dust and shrouded in blackness, resemble their political and military future.

“We remind those who are delusional that Yitzhak Shamir once tried and vowed against our Resistance, as did Rabin, who wished to wake up to find Gaza swallowed by the sea. Back then, our Brigades were just a few dozen fighters with light and individual weapons. 

“Similarly, Sharon promised you to end the Intifada within 100 days. All of these individuals have gone to the dustbins of history with a record filled with killing innocents. Our Resistance remained, grew, and became greater. You, the killers, will not be luckier than them and will only achieve disappointment and downfall, by the will of Allah Almighty.

“Our absolute trust in the victory of Allah, the justice of our fight, and the sanctity of our battle, which is the mother of all battles, does not exempt every individual and group in our great nation from their duty towards Palestine and its cause. It is a trust in the necks of all Arabs, Muslims, and free people in the world.

“The hysteria that the occupation and its leaders are living in, fearing the movement of the Resistance forces in our nation and its free people and its wide masses, is proof that this is the terrifying nightmare for the enemy. Let the enemy find you (our nation) where he fears.

“To all the free people of the world, we are watching your actions and see their great impact and how they cause confusion for the aggressing zionists.

Prisoner Swap Deal 

“There was an effort last week by our Qatari mediator brothers to secure the release of enemy detainees, including women and children, in exchange for the release of 200 Palestinian children and 75 Palestinian women, who represent the total number of women and child prisoners held by the enemy as of November 11.

“The enemy requested the release of one hundred women and children held by us in Gaza. We informed the mediators that in a five-day truce, we could release 50 of the detained women and children in Gaza, which might eventually reach 70, considering the complexity of these detainees being held by multiple factions. The truce would also include a ceasefire and allow the entry of relief and humanitarian aid to all our people throughout the Gaza Strip.

“However, the enemy continues to procrastinate and evade fulfilling this obligation, disregarding not only the lives of Palestinian civilians but also showing indifference to the killing of its prisoners. The most telling example is the killing of the captured soldier Faoul Assyani, who was captured alive and recorded an appeal for her release at the beginning of the war but was killed in an enemy bombing a few days ago.

“We warn the enemy and all those concerned with the affairs of prisoners and detainees that the continuation of aerial and ground aggression undoubtedly endangers the lives of these prisoners every hour. Those forewarned have no excuse.

“In conclusion, to our people, our martyrs who ascend every hour in Gaza will be immortalized in history as the greatest martyrs in the holiest of battles and under the purest banners fought in this time. 

“Blessed are our people and our fighters for this immense honor. Shame and disgrace shall befall every onlooker to our people’s sufferings. 

“Nothing will prevail in the kingdom of Allah except what Allah wills, and the faith of our people and their messages from beneath the rubble are the greatest testament to their greatness, pride, and their deserved honor in defending the Prophet’s path (Al-Aqsa) and their bond in the blessed holy land.”

(The Palestine Chronicle)

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