Anger Grows among US Allies over Delay on UNSC Vote – NYT

UN Security Council meeting. (Photo: via UN Website)

By Palestine Chronicle Staff  

The UN Security Council postponed once again on Thursday the vote on a resolution calling for aid to enter Gaza, marking the fourth delay amid the ongoing Israeli aggression on the besieged enclave.

Citing diplomats who spoke on the condition of anonymity, the New York Times reported that” anger has been growing at the United States among Security Council members, including European allies”.

The US envoy to the United Nations, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, told reporters on Thursday night that her country has “worked hard and diligently over the course of the past week” to “implement a mechanism on the ground that will support humanitarian assistance”.

According to The New York Times, the new text of the resolution “dropped an earlier version’s call for the suspension of hostilities, instead calling for ‘urgent steps to allow unhindered humanitarian access.”

The draft resolution also reportedly asks UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to appoint a coordinator “tasked with ‘facilitating, coordinating, monitoring and verifying’ that aid cargo is humanitarian in nature, who would also be ‘consulting all relevant parties’.”

Speaking  on the condition of anonymity, a US official told the NYT that “high-level negotiations began between Washington and Cairo early Thursday to find common ground over who would inspect aid going into Gaza.”

The UN humanitarian affairs coordinator, Martin Griffitsh, expressed his frustration over the delay on the UNSC vote, writing on his X platform that the prolonging of Israel’s war on Gaza “is an indelible stain on our collective conscience.”

According to Gaza’s Ministry of Health, 20,050 Palestinians have been killed, and 53,320 wounded in Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza starting on October 7. Palestinian and international estimates say that the majority of those killed and wounded are women and children.

(The Palestine Chronicle)

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1 Comment

  1. Kick America out of the UN, UNSC et al, they are the problem. i do not support what my so-called government is doing, has done for decades. i object!

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