Osama Mansour, the head of the media office at the Military Coordination Department in the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah, has announced he was suspended from his work after he voiced criticism on Facebook for Abbas’ participation in Peres’ funeral.
Known as Abu Arab by his co-workers, Mansour stated on Facebook as saying, “I didn’t say a shameful thing and I will commit to the decisions of the leadership.”
Mansour wrote in his post:
“Mr. President (Abbas), you could stop by the mother of Palestinian prisoner (who died in Israeli jails) Yasser Hamdouni, and ask her about her opinion, and if she says yes, then participate (in the funeral). If you decided by yourself to participate in the funeral of the killer of our children, you are mistaken. If your advisers told you to do so, they misled you. There are no personal or friendly relationships with the occupiers as long as they continue their oppressive policies against our people.”
Social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter became a platform for a huge outcry by Palestinian activists after Abbas decided to participate in Shimon Peres’ funeral.
The vast majority of Palestinians harshly criticized Abbas’ decision, accusing him of betrayal of the suffering of his own people.
What happens after Abbas (he is 81), another Israeli puppet, or someone who truly stands for Palestinians? The best bet at this point is no government at all – disband the current pretense of a sovereign government and make Israel handle all of its residents. Just pondering…..