Israel: Amnesty International is Antisemitic – Politico

Israeli Foreign Ministry accused Amnesty of being an anti-Semitic organization. (Image: Palestine Chronicle)

Resorting to an old tactic, Israel accused Amnesty International of being anti-Semitic, for stating that both parties violate humanitarian laws, and that Israel is an apartheid state. 

Israel has accused Amnesty International of “bias” and “anti-Semitism,” after the organization said all parties in the current Gaza conflict have violated humanitarian law, including by committing war crimes, Politico reported on Thursday.

Earlier the same day, Amnesty International had called for an immediate ceasefire and an independent investigation into “longstanding impunity for war crimes and crimes against humanity.” 

A statement from the organization also described one of the “root causes” of the conflict as “Israel’s system of apartheid imposed on all Palestinians.” 

The group’s secretary-general, Agnes Callamard, said that “serious violations of international humanitarian law, including war crimes,” had been committed by all parties to the conflict.

In response, Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman told Politico that “Amnesty International is an anti-Semitic organization that is biased against Israel.” 

He claimed that the internationally renowned rights organization “lacks moral authority to portray itself as a human rights organization.”

According to the spokesman, Amnesty International is “a propaganda organization working for Hamas terrorists.” 

Meanwhile, the United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres told the Security Council on Tuesday that the Hamas attack “did not happen in a vacuum,” and that the Palestinian people “have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation” while their hopes for a political solution to their plight “have been vanishing.” 

Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen responded by accusing Guterres of showing “compassion” for terrorists and murderers and called on him to resign.

Israel has, thus far, killed 7,326, including nearly 3,000 children, and 1,700 women; and wounded over 19,000 more. 

Palestinian Ministry of Health reports and international organizations say that the majority of those killed and wounded are women and children.

Israel says that 1,400 of its citizens were killed in Hamas-led attacks on October 7. Many of those killed are soldiers and officers in the Israeli occupation army. 

Gaza has been under a tight Israeli military siege since 2007, following a democratic election in occupied Palestine, the results of which were rejected by Tel Aviv and Washington. 

(RT, PC)

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