Israel Re-arrests Palestinian Man on the Day of his Release after 18-year Detention

Palestinian prisoners Randy Odeh, 39, was re-arrested on the day of his release. (Photo: via WAFA)

Israeli authorities today re-arrested a Palestinian man on the day of his release from prison, after serving 18 years behind bars, according to Palestinian News Agency Wafa.

Randy Odeh, 39, from Shuafat refugee camp in occupied East Jerusalem, was arrested on March 7, 2002, and sentenced to 18 years “for resisting the Israeli occupation”.

Odeh was about to get married today immediately upon his release from prison,” according to local sources cited by WAFA, 

In a later update, WAFA added that Israeli authorities released Odeh “on condition he does not enter Jerusalem until the end of this month and not to take part in any activity or demonstration”.

Around 5,700 Palestinians, including numerous women and children, are currently detained in Israeli prisons.

“Palestinian prisoners experience humiliation and abuse daily,” wrote Palestinian journalist and editor of The Palestine Chronicle Ramzy Baroud in a recent article.

“Their stories should not be reduced to an occasional news item or a social media post, but should become the raison d’etre of all solidarity efforts aimed at exposing Israel, its fraudulent judicial system and Kangaroo courts,” Baroud added.

(Palestine Chronicle, WAFA, Social Media) 

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