Israeli General: ‘Third Country’ was Attacked during Latest War on Gaza

Aviv Kohavi, former Israeli Army Chief of General Staff. (Photo: via Wikimedia Commons)

Israel’s top general has sparked speculation by revealing that the Israeli army attacked a “third country” during a military operation against Palestinian militants earlier this month.

Speaking on Thursday, Aviv Kochavi, the Israeli Chief of General Staff, discussed the occupation army’s so-called ‘Breaking Dawn’ operation – the latest war on the besieged Gaza Strip.

“Ten days ago, the IDF struck with great precision (The Islamic Jihad commander) Taysir al-Jabari, who is an arch-terrorist, and at the same time carried out a wave of arrests in the West Bank and… attacked a third country, and defended the rest of (Israel’s) borders,” the occupation army’s leader said during a public event, according to local media.

Kochavi noted that providing protection through military action was “a very complex task that we must not take for granted.”

The latest escalation of violence began on August 5 when the Israeli army struck many targets in besieged Gaza, sparking retaliation by Palestinian fighters.

It remains unclear which ‘third country’, the Israeli army attacked, as acknowledged by Kochavi. Israel has launched hundreds of strikes at neighboring Syria over the years, claiming it was acting to protect itself from attacks by Iranian proxies. Historically, Israel has carried out many attacks, including assassinations, against Palestinian, Arab and Iranian targets on foreign soil.

In 1981, Israeli warplanes bombed the site of the almost-finished Osirak nuclear reactor near Baghdad, Iraq.

In a more recent example, Israel is widely believed to have launched air raids on Sudan in 2009. The Israeli army, which never officially claimed credit for the attacks, allegedly targeted arms smugglers and weapons heading for Gaza.

The August strike may have taken place in Yemen, the Times of Israel suggested. It cited reports in Arabic-language media, which claimed that on August 7, Iranian and Lebanese military advisers were killed by an explosion at a camp controlled by Yemeni Houthi fighters. The blast was attributed to a ballistic missile malfunction.

Yemen has seen a protracted civil conflict and military intervention by Saudi Arabia and its allies. The Houthis are the main opponent of Riyadh in the conflict and were widely reported to receive significant military aid from Tehran. Iran denied arming the rebel forces. A UN-negotiated truce, which was renewed in early August, is currently in place in the country.


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