Israeli Knesset Approves $480 Million Additional Funds for Defense

Aviv Kohavi, former Israeli Army Chief of General Staff. (Photo: via Wikimedia Commons)

The Israeli Knesset (parliament) approved on Monday the allocation of 1.5 billion shekels ($480 million) additional funding for the Ministry of Defense, Israeli media outlets reported.

Israeli Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper noted that the Knesset’s finance committee has recently approved another 7.4 billion shekels ($2.3 billion) for defense.

According to the paper, Israeli lawmakers refused to answer questions about the purpose of the additional funds, which will increase the defense budget by 15 percent.

The paper recently said that budget problems in the previous government had led the army to delay planning for possible military action against Iran.

The additional funds come amid instructions from the Chief of Staff of the Israeli army, Aviv Kochavi, to speed up preparations for a possible attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities.

(MEMO, PC, Social Media)

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