Thirty-five-year-old Hassan Mohammed Al-Awiwi from occupied Hebron (Al-Khalil) has today ended his hunger strike of 70 days to protest his administrative detention in an Israeli jail.
The prison administration has agreed to release him before the end of the year, six months after his administrative detention order is to come to an end.
#Breaking Triumph of the Will ✌✌
A Palestinian prisoner ends hunger strike after 70 days after his demand was met.
Hasan al-Awiwi, father of three, suspended a 70- day hunger strike in the Israeli jails following a deal with to realese him next January. #DignityStrike pic.twitter.com/yZBT6LhIs9— Wafa A Al-Udaini (@wafa_Gaza) June 10, 2019
The father of three was rearrested in mid-January after being held by occupation twice before. He was originally sentenced to four months in detention but his term was renewed two months ago, causing him to begin his hunger strike.
Since he launched his strike in April, Israeli prison authorities have retaliated by putting him in isolation, denying family visits and transferring him to different prisons.
Many prisoners have taken to hunger strikes to protest their detentions and poor prison conditions, with up to 1,500 striking in April, just before Israel’s general election took place.
Palestinian civilian Hasan al-Awiwi, unjustly jailed by israel, on open hunger strike for 56 days, denied lawyers or a single visitor, is critical https://t.co/b4WLgj4PZF
— Sarah Wilkinson (@swilkinsonbc) May 28, 2019
Al-Aweiwi was transferred to Barzilai medical center on Thursday after his health worsened. Over this two-month period, he has lost 22 kilograms in weight and cannot walk or talk properly.
He has spent three years in an Israeli prison, mostly in administrative detention – imprisonment without charge or trial.
Palestinian prisoner Hasan Ewawi has been on HungerStrike for the 68th day in the Israeli occupation jails in protest of his administrative detention. #GroupPalestine #قروب_فلسطيني pic.twitter.com/u1BhJLqEyM
— Hanan (@zNuTsraO3M1FKYf) June 10, 2019
Currently, there are around 479 Palestinians, including one woman and two minors, held in administrative detention in Israeli prison facilities, according to Israeli human rights organization B’Tselem.
(Middle East Monitor, PC, Social Media)