‘Zionist Response’ to EU Declaration – Smotrich Calls for Expanding Illegal Settlements

Israeli Minister Bezalel Smotrich. (Image: Palestine Chronicle)

By Palestine Chronicle Staff  

Bezalel Smotrich, Israel’s Finance Minister, says the best response to the EU declaration is to strengthen and entrench settlement in all parts of Israel.

Israel’s finance minister has reportedly slammed an agreement by the European Union to impose sanctions on settlers who attack Palestinians in the West Bank, saying the proper response is to expand settlement activity there.

Bezalel Smotrich claimed the EU’s decision on Monday is a result of the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel, referring to the international pro-Palestine movement that calls for boycotting Israel at all levels, the Anadolu news agency reported, citing the Times of Israel.

Smotrich claimed that any violence by settlers “is dealt with by the Israeli justice system,” the report stated.

Two Settlers Killed in West Bank – Smotrich Demands ‘Zionist Answer’

“There is one holistic Zionist response to this (EU) declaration – strengthening and entrenching settlement in all parts of the Land of Israel,” he said in reference to Jewish settlements across the occupied West Bank.

Political Agreement

On Monday evening, EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said the European Union had reached a “political agreement” to sanction extremist settlers.

Borrell said a “solid compromise” had been agreed upon “at the working level” and that he hoped it would be “fully adopted soon,” reported Anadolu.

Last month Borrell criticized Israel’s announcement to expand settlements in the occupied West Bank, saying it constitutes “a grave breach of international law.”

‘Inflammatory, Breach of International Law’ – EU’s Borrell Slams Settler Expansion

“The announcement by Israeli Minister (Bezalel) Smotrich to build 3,300 new units in illegal West Bank settlements is inflammatory and dangerous,” Borrell said on X.

“Settlements make Israelis and Palestinians less safe, fuel tensions, obstruct peace efforts, and constitute a grave breach of international law.”

Illegal Under the Law

Since the start of the Israeli onslaught against the Gaza Strip following the October 7 resistance operation, settlers across the occupied West Bank have intensified their assaults against Palestinians and their properties under the watch of Israeli forces, the report added.

According to Palestinian figures, about 725,000 settlers live in 176 Jewish-only settlements and 186 outposts in the occupied West Bank.

Under international law, all Jewish settlements in the occupied territories are considered illegal.

(Anadolu, PC)

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  1. Sniping appears to be a very effective tactic although I assume the supply of sniper rifles and of snipers is limited. Were there sufficient numbers of both, I would suggest that advancing or entrenched settlers might well be discouraged should the tactic be deployed against them!

  2. Smotrich, the lunatic settler put in charge of the settler asylum, is at least entirely predictable in his lunatic ambitions! In reality he is just another war criminal, along with Netanyahu, Ben Givr et al, whom history will judge accordingly.

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