‘Big Mistake’ for Israel to Occupy Gaza, Biden Says

US President Joe Biden during his interview with CBS 60 Minutes. (Photo: video grab)

US President Joe Biden said that he does not support any long-term Israeli occupation of Gaza, but that his country will provide Israel ‘with everything they need’ in the event of a ground invasion.

US President Joe Biden said that he does not support any long-term Israeli occupation of Gaza, but believes that the Israeli army “going in” and “taking out the extremists” would be a “necessary requirement” to guarantee Israel’s security.

In an interview with CBS 60 Minutes on Sunday, Biden vowed to provide Israel with “everything they need” to eliminate Hamas members in Gaza but does not expect American troops to take part in any combat operations.

“I don’t think that’s necessary. Israel has one of the finest fighting forces in the country,” Biden said. 

The Israeli army announced over the weekend that it is completing preparations for a “significant ground operation,” which will include a “joint and coordinated attack from the air, sea and land” in Gaza.

Biden insisted that there is a “fundamental difference” between the Israeli civilians killed by Hamas fighters and the Palestinians dying in retaliatory airstrikes.

“Israel is going after a group of people who have engaged in barbarism that is as consequential as the Holocaust. And so I think Israel has to respond. They have to go after Hamas,” the US president said, expressing hope that “the Israelis are gonna do everything in their power to avoid the killing of innocent civilians.”

When asked whether he would support another “Israeli occupation of Gaza at this point,” Biden said he believes it would be “a big mistake.”

“I think that… it would be a mistake to… for Israel to occupy… Gaza again,” he said. “But going in… but taking out the extremists, the Hezbollah is up north but Hamas down south, is a necessary requirement.”

Israeli occupation forces have carried out an intense bombardment of the Gaza Strip for ten consecutive days, targeting civilians on a large scale, bringing the death toll to about 2,700 Palestinians and the wounded to over 9,000.

(RT, PC)

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1 Comment

  1. Broadcast the real reason for this terror. Israel has occupied the lands for 76 years, forcibly evicting palestinians from their homes, their lands, poisoning their wells, pouring cement in their wells, putting children 10 years old in solitary confinement, imprisoning without a cause or reason, depriving them of medicine and water, committing massacres, who is the real terrorist??

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