China’s envoy to the United Nations, Zhang Jun, spoke forcefully on Wednesday against Israel’s plan to annex large swaths of the occupied West Bank, during a UN Security Council meeting.
China strongly protested Israel’s ‘unilateral actions’ and escalation of the conflict.
China is “deeply concerned about reports of the (Israeli) plan to annex part of the occupied Palestinian territory,” Ambassador Jun told the Security Council briefing on the situation in the Middle East.
#Gaza Women Rally against #Annexation (PHOTOS) https://t.co/dwxYCtxzna via @PalestineChron pic.twitter.com/qHww1tFKp2
— @palestinechron (@PalestineChron) July 22, 2020
“Such a plan, if implemented, will seriously violate international law and relevant UN resolutions, and imperil the two-state solution,” Jun added, urging “the relevant party to refrain from taking any unilateral actions, and do its best to de-escalate conflict and tension.”
He restated China’s “firm position that no country should support unilateral actions,” insisting that “it is equally imperative to stop settlement activities, the demolition of Palestinian structures, and the violence against civilians.”
Jun cited Chinese President Xi Jinping’s remarks to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas that China, “a sincere friend of the Palestinian people,” supports the Palestinian call for internationally-mediated negotiations and is willing to consider taking part in them.
Attending the @UNRWA Pledging Conference, Amb Zhang Jun
▶️announced US$1 million contribution to UNRWA
▶️introduced China's medical assistance to UNRWA and Palestinian refugees
▶️reiterated that China stands with the Palestinian people and opposes illegal annexation pic.twitter.com/bYKBMJhX3k— Chinese Mission to UN (@Chinamission2un) June 23, 2020
“The Palestinian people can always count on China’s support to their just cause to restore legitimate national rights,” Jun said.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had pledged to annex nearly 30 percent of the total size of the occupied Palestinian West Bank and Jordan Valley, an act deemed a stark violation of international law.
Although annexation didn’t actualize on July 1, a self-imposed deadline by Netanyahu himself, Israel remains adamant in its intentions to formalize the annexation of large swaths of Palestinian land.
(The Palestine Chronicle)
A nation and its people who refuse to acknowledge its crimes and the suffering of its victims is an evil to the world and should expect only evil as its reward. Amen It Is Written.
There is one “War Crime” that is established on this Earth, which cries out for correction, restitution, and appropriate punishment of the perpetrators; the power or organisation which immediately takes action, to bring justice to it’s long suffering innocent peoples, will be one we may then trust. Because correcting the “evils” of this criminal despotic, and merciless abomination, will, forever, establish, the true and ethical bona fide of the said “Power or Organisation”.
The War Crime; The Crime against Humanity”referenced here is that Occupation; that murder of the innocent Palestinian Peoples, and their eviction and dispossession from their rightful traditional Home lands, the total denial exercised by the occupier, preventing all access to what we take for granted to be a Normal Human Existence.
Those who created this abomination, must be evicted, by force if necessary, and when they cry out in pain, complaining the hardships of this ultimately unavoidable exodus, let them remember, “they have sown the wind, and now must endure the whirlwind”, they must harvest the “grapes Of Wrath”, until they learn the lesson. Amen, It Is Written.
It is a pity that the Zionist clique of the Jewish people has taken control of American foreign policy through donations and threats to many members of Congress, together with the infiltration of the American Administration by Israeli/American citizens. This was all started by the British agreement around 1912 that Jews would be given a homeland in Palestine.
The best hope for the Palestinian people will be if China and Russia can combine to face down the Israeli hope to re-establish Canaan. The Israelis do not allow ‘right of return’ to displaced Palestinians. This also applies to Israelis.