By Jehan Bseiso
For Abu Ali Mahdi, who
After 20 years in Israeli prisons
Died of heartbreak in his own bed,
In Beirut.
For Du’aa, and Ala’a and Mohammed,
Who spoke to the Al Jazeera reporters about
Mama dead and baba dead and no home
And no bread. Nobody to break the bread with.
And nights so long you forget there ever was light
Or day.
For Suheir Hammad who makes me proud to be from
this land and to have these words,
In this language,
Lodged in my throat like bricks.
For everyone who has ever said enough.
– Jehan Bseiso, American born Palestinian-Jordanian poet, has recently completed her Masters thesis in Literature from the American University of Beirut. She is now working with Doctors Without Borders in Amman, Jordan. Contact her at: jehan.bseiso@gmail.com.