Israeli Forces Uproot Dozens of Olive Trees near Qalqilyia

Israeli bulldozer uproot Palestinian olive trees. (Photo: via Social Media)

Israeli occupation forces today uprooted dozens of olive trees from a plot of land in the village of Jayyous, near the occupied West Bank city of Qalqilya, under the pretext that the land is under Israeli jurisdiction, according to the owner of the land.

Nathem Salim, the landowner, told WAFA that the soldiers uprooted 100 olive trees after razing 30-dunums of his land, which he stressed is not located within Israel’s apartheid and the separation barrier.

The destruction of Palestinian olive trees by Israeli soldiers and Jewish settlers has become routine in recent years.

For the Apartheid Wall to be built, tens of thousands of olive trees, some of which were 600-years-old, were uprooted by Israeli bulldozers.

(Palestine Chronicle, WAFA, Social Media)

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