War Crimes Will Be Televised – Israeli Soldiers’ ‘Dehumanizing’ Videos from Gaza

Alarming video footage of Israeli soldiers’ activities in the Gaza Strip. (Photo: video grab)

By Palestine Chronicle Staff  

Alarming video footage of Israeli soldiers’ activities in the Gaza Strip, including them being seen setting fire to food supplies and rummaging through private homes have been shared widely online.

It appears the videos have been uploaded by Israeli soldiers themselves during their military ground operation in the besieged Gaza Strip.

In one, an Israeli soldier is seen trying to set fire to food and water supplies, commodities that are scarce in the territory, due to the humanitarian siege and limited goods being allowed to pass through the Rafah border.

In another video, a soldier is seen destroying items in what appears to be a gift store. Another soldier is heard laughing in the background.

Israeli occupation soldiers are also seen in a video riding bicycles through the rubble of destroyed buildings, while another shows a soldier having moved prayer rugs into a bathroom.

A soldier also filmed personal items such as underwear and lingerie found in a home, while he is heard insulting Palestinian women.

Dror Sadot, a spokesperson for the Israeli human rights group, B’Tselem, is reported as saying that “the dehumanization from the top is very much sinking down to the soldiers.”

In a photo circulated online, a soldier reportedly poses next to words spray-painted in red on a pink building that read, “Instead of erasing graffiti, let’s erase Gaza.”

A video posted on X by Yinon Magal, described as a conservative Israeli media personality, shows dozens of Israeli soldiers dancing in a circle in Gaza.

They are reportedly singing a song that includes the words, “Gaza we have come to conquer. … We know our slogan – there are no people who are uninvolved”.

The Associated Press (AP) reports that the video has been viewed almost 200,000 times on his account and shared widely on other accounts.

Magal told the AP that the video struck a chord among Israelis because of the popular tune and because Israelis need to see pictures of a strong military.

It is based on the fight song of the Beitar Jerusalem soccer team, whose hardcore fans have a history of racist chants against Arabs and rowdy behavior, the report adds.

“These are my fighters, they’re fighting against brutal murderers,” Magal reportedly told the Associated Press, adding that “after what they did to us, I don’t have to defend myself to anyone.”

Meanwhile in the West Bank, footage emerged on Thursday showing Israeli soldiers singing Jewish hymns and songs after violating the sanctity of a Palestinian mosque in the city of Jenin.

Israeli soldiers are seen walking around the mosque with their military boots after kicking Palestinians out.

One of the soldiers was also seen taking over the pulpit and, using loudspeakers, singing Talmudic songs, thus broadcasting it to thousands of Palestinians in the city and the adjacent areas.

According to Gaza’s Ministry of Health, 18,787 Palestinians have been killed and more than 50,897 wounded in Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza starting on October 7. Palestinian and international estimates say that the majority of those killed and wounded are women and children.

(PC, AP)

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1 Comment

  1. I have studied much of this conflict and I have got some great concerns. For starters, during WWI, 10% of civilians were killed. In WW2, the amount to 50% of civilians being killed. In the Vietnam War, 70$% civilians were killed. During the Iraq war, 90% of civilians were killed. My point is I am afraid that 95, 99.9 or 100% it appears that this military operation and the actions that are being taken will result in that number. I think Israel and the USA aim is to get rid of the Palestinians all together so they can control this transportation route and oil influence. I wish I had a voice to epress this concern, but I don’t.

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