Jewish settlers verbally assaulted and threatened a Palestinian to kill him, in the southern occupied West Bank city of Hebron (Al-Khalil), on Thursday morning.
Ziad al-Sharabati told Ma’an that he was threatened by three Jewish settlers as he was helping international activists who were escorting children to cross the al-Shuhada Street checkpoint on their way to their school.
Settlers from Hebron are known to be especially aggressive, yet act with almost total impunity while under the protection of Israeli forces, who are also complicit in violence against Palestinians https://t.co/umMouNtbcR
— The New Arab (@The_NewArab) December 26, 2018
Al-Sharabati added that the settlers verbally assaulted him and cursed him and the international activists before threatening all of them.
He pointed out that Israeli settlers verbally assault and curse at international activists helping locals in an attempt to force them out of the area.
Palestinian residents of the Old City of Hebron face a large Israeli military presence on a daily basis, with at least 32 permanent and partial checkpoints set up at the entrances of many streets.
Christmas ? Night In Hebron. We were trying to rebuild what the Israeli settlers destroyed two nights ago.During the…
Posted by Issa Amro on Monday, December 24, 2018
Additionally, Palestinians are not allowed to drive on al-Shuhada street, have had their homes and shops on the street welded shut, and in some areas of the Old City, are not permitted to walk on certain roads.
Meanwhile, Jewish settlers move freely on the street, drive cars, and carry machine guns.
(Ma’an, PC, Social Media)