Protesters held 55 paper press jackets outside the BBC headquarters in London to represent the 55 journalists killed by Israel since 2000, UK-based NGO Friends of Al-Aqsa (FoA) said in a statement.
“Israel’s targeting of Shireen and the disrespect shown by Israeli Occupation Forces at Shireen’s funeral is disgusting,” says Shamiul Joarder, Head of Public Affairs at FoA.
“We’re marching from the BBC to Downing Street today to call for sanctions on Israel for 74 years of these heinous war crimes”.
Protesters also held 74 keys to commemorate 74 years of Israel’s ongoing illegal occupation and apartheid in Palestine, known as the ongoing Nakba.
74 years ago, over 750,000 Palestinians were forced to leave their homes to make way for the state of Israel and many retain their keys to this day.
Other powerful visuals included BBC headline posters highlighting the broadcasting company’s bias and problematic language when reporting on Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine, as well as the tracing of hands in support of the #HandsOffAlAqsa campaign, which demands that Israel stops its attacks on Palestinian worshippers at Al-Aqsa.
Activists also wrote messages of condolences for Shireen in a memorial outside the BBC.
(MEMO, PC, Social Media)