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PLO Urges Abbas to Quit Peace Talks

An influential Palestinian body has urged the Palestinian president to quit direct talks with Israel, saying there should be no further peace talks as long as Israel continued settlement construction in the occupied territories. Reading […]

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Syrian Leader Attacks Direct Talks

During a visit to Iran, Bashar al-Assad, the Syrian president, has said direct Israeli-Palestinian peace talks were only aimed at bolstering domestic support for the US president.  "Nothing has changed in the Palestinian peace process […]

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Canada and Israel

By Jim Miles (Canada and Israel – Building Apartheid. Yves Engler. RED/Fernwood Publishing, Canada. 2010.) While much is made of U.S. support of Israel, its unstinting rhetoric and its similarly unstinting financial generosity, Canada has […]

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All We Ask

By Sam Hamod (For Our Brothers and Sisters In Palestine, Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia) We want very little a sip of fresh water, a small piece of bread, perhaps an olive again, if the […]