Dearest Lord,
May we have minds that treasure and seek stillness, purity, and positivity and that are capable of wise judgments and right decisions
Eyes that see and delight in beauty and goodness but are keen to recognize injustice and inequit
Ears to hear that which is uplifting and noble but attentive to the cries of the suffering, poor and downtrodden
Tongues that console, bless, encourage, uplift, and restore Lips that always speak truth and refrain from gossip
Voices that rise and demand justice for the disenfranchised, the marginalized and those who have no voice
A sound inner moral compass as our guide with a firm purpose of will that compels us to love justice and to act in defense of victims of oppression and tyranny.
Hearts that are slow to take offense and pass judgment but are ever so quick to forgive
Souls that do not harbor hatred, enmity, resentment, anger, and revenge but that are reservoirs of peace, understanding, tolerance, compassion and love.
Amen and Ameen.