BDS Welcomes Norway’s Decision on Illegal Israeli Settlements

A protester holds signs calling for boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) (Photo: via

The Palestinian Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) National Committee (BNC), the largest coalition leading the global BDS movement for freedom, justice and equality, warmly welcomed the decision by Norway’s capital, Oslo, not to trade in goods and services from illegal Israeli settlements.

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Oslo city council announced that it will not trade in goods and services produced in areas that are illegally occupied in violation of international law. Its procurement policy will exclude companies that directly or indirectly contribute to Israel’s illegal settlement enterprise – a war crime under international law.

“Following the Barcelona mayor’s suspension of ties with apartheid Israel, this Oslo city council decision rejects complicity and promotes human rights. We call on cities worldwide to sever ties with apartheid Israel to support the Palestinian quest for freedom, justice, and equality,” BNC said in a tweet.

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It saluted what it described as “the tireless work” of Norwegian grassroots groups, trade unions and parties that have made it possible.


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