‘Future Innovators’ of Palestine on Way to Panama for International Robot Competition

Three young female students from Gaza selected to participate in the World Robot Olympiad International final. (Photo: Mahmoud Ajjour, The Palestine Chronicle)

By Palestine Chronicle Staff  

Three young female students from Gaza have been selected to participate in the World Robot Olympiad International final, scheduled to be held in Panama on November 7-9, 2023. 

The ‘future innovators’ of Palestine competed in an event organized by the Ministry of Education in Gaza. 

The ultimate prize is to participate in the World Robot Olympiad International final, scheduled to be held in Panama on November 7-9, 2023. 

The selected Gaza “future engineers” will join their peers from the Occupied West Bank, who are selected through a different competition due to the restrictions imposed by the Israeli occupation. 

Notably, all the winners from the Gaza cohort were young women. 

These are the Gaza talents that have been chosen by Ministry of Education’s judges: 

Hala Muhab Abu Ahmed – Kufr Qassem High School for Girls. 

Rahaf Sa’id al-Khatib – Huda High School for Girls. 

Sara Ibrahim al-Madhoun – Zahra High School for Girls. 

The winners, all wearing traditional Palestinian thobes, vowed to raise the Palestinian flag high in international science competitions. 

The Palestine Chronicle congratulates all the winners and wishes them a prosperous future. 

(All Photos: Mahmoud Ajjour, The Palestine Chronicle)

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