‘I Want to Visit Palestine’: Young Palestinian Writer Yousef Dawas Killed by Israeli Strikes on Gaza – VIDEO

Young Palestinian writer Yousef Dawas was killed by an Israeli airstrike on Gaza. (Photo: via Yousef Dawas IG Page)

By Palestine Chronicle Staff  

Yousef Dawas was a promising writer and a member of the We Are Not Numbers collective in Gaza. He was killed, along with several members of his family, in the northern town of Beit Lahia on Saturday, October 14.

His latest article in The Palestine Chronicle was entitled ‘Kidney Transplant and Rebirth: A Palestinian Love Story’.

Kidney Transplant and Rebirth: A Palestinian Love Story

We had written back to him, telling him that we were proud of his work and that we would like to cooperate for years to come.

Yousef was killed, along with several members of his family, in the northern town of Beit Lahia on Saturday, October 14.

(The Palestine Chronicle)

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