Jordan Refuses Netanyahu Access to Its Airspace for UAE Trip

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. (Photo: via PM of Israel Facebook Page)

Jordan today refused to allow Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to fly through its airspace on his way to the UAE for his first official visit to the Emirates following the signing of peace accords between the two.

Israeli news sites had announced yesterday that Netanyahu would be heading to the Emirates today, with local media speculating that he would also meet both UAE officials and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman and Sudanese Prime Minister Abdullah Hamdok during his visit. Saudi has denied these reports.

However, Israeli broadcaster Kan reported today that the trip had been canceled as Jordanian authorities refused, shortly before the start of the visit, to organize Netanyahu’s expected trip to the Emirates via its airspace, which would have increased the flight time by more than 2.5 hours.

A source said Amman’s decision came in light of the cancellation of a visit by Jordanian Crown Prince Hussein Bin Abdullah to Al-Aqsa Mosque, after a dispute arose between the two parties over the security arrangements.

According to press reports, Netanyahu was scheduled to meet UAE Crown Prince, Mohammed Bin Zayed, as part of his first foreign visit since the signing of the Abraham Accords last September.

(MEMO, PC, Social Media)

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