New Poll: Support for Two-State Solution Declines among Arabs, Jews in Israel

Israel's Apartheid Wall. (Photo: Tamar Fleishman, The Palestine Chronicle)

Support for the two-state solution has declined to below 50 percent among Palestinian citizens of Israel and Jews in Israel, a poll conducted last week by the Israel Democracy Institute found.

The poll was conducted in parallel to Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid declaring his adoption of the policy at the UN General Assembly during which he claimed that a large majority of Israelis support it too.

According to the poll, only 39 percent of the Israelis supported the two-state solution compared to 46 percent in December 2019 and 54 percent in August 2017.

The poll also found that only 36 percent of the respondents believed that the new Israeli government should push for the two-state solution compared to 50 percent in February 2021.

Among Palestinian citizens of Israel, 60 percent supported the two-state solution compared to 79 percent in the previous poll.

Meanwhile, 31 percent of Jews in Israel supported the policy compared to 44 percent in the previous poll.

At the same time, right-wing voter support for the two-state solution declined to 20 percent compared to 29.5 percent in the previous poll, while the support of left-wing voters declined from 85 percent to 69 percent.

The poll was conducted between September 18-20 and included 753 respondents, including 604 Jews and 149 Palestinian citizens of Israel.


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