Renowned historian, Professor Ilan Pappe and respected political analyst and leader Awad Abdelfattah speak to Palestine Chronicle TV about the One Democratic State Campaign and their shared vision for a just peace and coexistence in Israel and Palestine.
(The Palestine Chronicle)
I like Ilan Pappé’s explanation of the global issues that need to be highlighted and dealt with in order to assist Palestine: neoliberalism, imperialism, and colonial-settler states – all of which are inter-related. All three concepts utilize methods that are very good at “divide and conquer” in order to subjugate an occupied territory.
I think it’s always important to point out, when citing the Ramallah organisation doing polls on what ‘Palestinians’ prefer, that at the very most 35-40% of all Palestinians get asked and polled: those in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Those in the 1948-occupied area and the diaspora are not polled. My suspicion is, moreover, that support for two states among diaspora Palestinians – except maybe many in Jordan – is very very low. Of course, nobody knows because a poll, much less a referrendum, is never held. Thanks for this episode of your TV!
Me again. I love Ilan’s framing of ODS in positive terms – rights-fulfilment, independence – rather than only the negative ones of anti-apartheid, anti-Zionism, anti-colonialism. This is an important shift in the narrative of an ethically just Palestinian solution – a positive vision rather than just a reaction to what the British and international Zionists did.