To mark the 10th anniversary of the Palestinian call for a Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaign, U.S. based activists have published a list of what they describe as 100 BDS successes.
The list includes more than 30 “Academic & Cultural Boycott Successes”, as well as more than 50 examples of “Faith-Based Successes”, more than 40 campus-based actions, as well as successes from the worlds of business and municipal government.
The US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, a coalition of hundreds of U.S. organizations working to end U.S. support for Israel’s apartheid policies, says the list will be periodically updated.
According to Yousef Munayyer, Executive Director of the US Campaign, the list “is clear evidence that more and more ordinary Americans are fed up with the status quo of unconditional US support for Israel, its brutal occupation and theft of Palestinian land, and other human rights abuses, and recognize in BDS an effective, nonviolent way to support Palestinians in their struggle for freedom.”
(Middle East Monitor – www.middleeastmonitor.com)
In our democracry how many mature adults know the following terms
BDS? or Boycott, Disinvestment, Sanctions re Israel?
That the whole world (including USA) says Israel’s borders are illegal?
Palestinians are losing land and homes each week?
Had not 2 million but 6 millions gypsies died in the holocaust and not 6 but 2 million jews, would we hear every week of the gypsy holocaust? I think not.
It is the media that controls what and what we do not know.