EU Calls for Settler Violence, Provocations in Sheikh Jarrah to Be Stopped

Tensions erupt between Palestinians and Jewish settlers in the occupied East Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah. (Photo: via Oren Ziv Twitter page)

The European Union has called for Jewish settler violence and irresponsible provocations against Palestinians in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of occupied East Jerusalem to be stopped, Anadolu news agency reported.

“Concerned about ongoing developments in Sheikh Jarrah, East Jerusalem, with violent clashes leading to several injuries and arrests. Incidents of settler violence, irresponsible provocations and other escalatory acts in this sensitive area only fuel further tensions & must cease,” the European Union delegation to the Palestinian Territories said on Twitter.

Yesterday Israeli police arrested a Palestinian in Sheikh Jarrah and assaulted others.

This came as a controversial far-right Member of the Knesset Itamar Ben Gvir who set up a tent “office” in Sheikh Jarrah, in what he said was an effort to show support for illegal Jewish settlers in the area.

Dozens of settlers stormed the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood along with Ben Gvir.

According to eyewitnesses, Israeli police beat Palestinians and fired tear gas and sound grenades at them as they protested Ben Gvir’s provocations.

Israeli attacks on Palestinian protesters demanding an end to the forced displacement of families from their homes in occupied East Jerusalem to make way for illegal settlers have intensified since May.

(MEMO, PC, Social Media)

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1 Comment

  1. Israeli vermin deserve to be treated like the human garbage they have always been…settlers, the IDF, Shin Beit, and the host of governmental terrorists causing hell against the Palestinians. Palestinians need the same weapons, and a fair playing field to stop Zionist terror in its tracks.

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