International Outcry as Jewish Settlers Brutally Assault Palestinians in Huwwara

Jewish settlers set Palestinian property on fire in the village of Huwwara, near Nablus. (Photo: via

By Palestine Chronicle Staff  

Jewish settlers attacked the Palestinian village of Huwwara, in the Occupied West Bank, on Sunday night, killing a man and injuring over 100 Palestinians. The incident was followed by international outcry and condemnation.

UK Ambassador: ‘Israel Should Tackle Violence’

Neil Wigan, the UK ambassador to Israel, slammed the Jewish settler violence against Palestinians and their properties, saying that “Israel should tackle the violence.”

Wigan took it to his official Twitter page to express his condemnation of the attacks by the fanatic settlers, who killed one Palestinian, injured more than 100 others, and burned dozens of homes, vehicles, and structures.

“Terrible scenes in Huwara this evening, with reports of a Palestinian man killed in a settler attack and many more injured.”

He continued to say that Israel should bring whoever was responsible to justice. “Israel should tackle settler violence, with those responsible brought to justice.”

Canadian MP: ‘Horrifying Violence’

Canadian MP and politician Niki Ashton called out the Jewish settlers’ violence in Huwwara.

On her official Twitter page, the Canadian politician quoted a tweet by Palestinian activist Issa Amro, in which he posted a video of Israeli settlers burning Palestinian houses, vehicles, trees and shops in the said town.

Ashton described the Israeli settlers’ violence as “unacceptable,” and “horrifying,” adding that “Canada can’t sit quietly while this goes on.”

France: ‘Unacceptable’ Violence

The spokeswoman for the Foreign Ministry, Anne Claire Legendre, emphasized that her country is following with grave concern the ongoing violence and situation in the West Bank.

Legendre stressed in a press statement that violence against Palestinian civilians is “unacceptable”.

France called on the Israeli government, as part of its responsibilities as an occupying power, to protect Palestinian civilians and hold accountable the perpetrators of the violent acts in the town of Huwwara.

Price: US is Working to Restoring Calm

The US State Department spokesman, Ned Price, condemned the escalating settlers’ violence in the occupied West Bank.

“These developments underscore the imperative to immediately de-escalate tensions in words and deeds,” he said in a tweet.

“The United States will continue to work with Israelis and Palestinians and our regional partners towards restoring calm.”

UN Special Rapporteur Albanese Condemns Violence, Misrepresentation

UN Special Rapporteur Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in the Palestinian Territory, Francesca Albanese, condemned Israeli settler violence in a Tweet on Monday.

Albanese also condemned the “continuous misrepresentation”, quoting a tweet by US Spokesperson Ned Price, who framed the assault on Huwwara as a consequence of a “terrorist attack that killed two Israelis”.

“I condemn Israel’s 55yo settler-colonial occupation of Palestinian territory (& recent Israeli politicians’ incitement to commit crimes) that is causing CONTINUOUS violence/despicable loss of life,” Albanese wrote.

“I also condemn the CONTINUOUS misrepresentation of this violence & its root causes.”

(The Palestine Chronicle)

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1 Comment

  1. Dear Friends
    It is outrageous that the U.S. does nothing but support the killers in Israel, the I.D.F., the filthy settlers, and the increasingly hatred Israeli leaders show, all of which should be deeply punished, ousted from government. This has lasted for seven decades. We will not vote for anyone in Washington. DC fuels this hatred with armaments and $3.8 billions each year. Internationally, why is Israel allowed to continue? What a foul game this is. Not only evil, but Israel runs Washington@

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