Israeli Forces Arrest 14 Palestinians, Including Cancer-Stricken Patient, in West Bank

Israeli forces on a regular basis storm Palestinian cities and villages in the occupied West Bank to arrest Palestinian popular activists. (Photo:

Israeli forces detained 14 Palestinians on Thursday, including a cancer-stricken patient, from various parts of the West Bank, the official Palestinian news agency WAFA reported.

Local and security sources said that Israeli forces re-arrested a former prisoner and ransacked his family house in Birzeit town, north of Ramallah.

The former prisoner was released just several months ago after serving a year and a half in administrative detention, a widely condemned Israeli practice that allows the detention of Palestinians without charge or trial.

Israeli forces also re-arrested a cancer-stricken former prisoner after forcibly entering and searching his family house in al-Bireh city.

During ensuing confrontations, the Israeli soldiers opened fire toward local young men, hitting two by live rounds in the foot.

The sources confirmed a similar raid in the al-Mughayyir village, east of Ramallah, where the soldiers brutally assaulted and detained two brothers.

The soldiers also barged their way into Ramallah al-Tahta, a neighborhood of the city, and detained two brothers.

They conducted a raid into Deir Abu Mashaal village, northwest of Ramallah, resulting in the detention of two brothers.

Meanwhile, the military vehicles stormed Huwara town, south of the northern West Bank city of Nablus, where the soldiers rounded up another.

The heavily-armed soldiers detained three others, including one whose 17-year-old brother was gunned down by the soldiers on April 11.

Confrontations broke out in several neighborhoods of the city, with the soldiers opening a heavy barrage of live ammunition, concussion and tear gas canisters towards local youths, resulting in suffocation cases and damage to several cars.

The soldiers also showed up at a house in al-Yamun town, west of the city, muscled inside, conducted a thorough search and eventually detained two brothers.

Israeli forces frequently raid Palestinian houses almost on a daily basis across the West Bank on the pretext of searching for “wanted” Palestinians, triggering clashes with residents.

(WAFA, PC, Social Media)

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