Israeli Forces Obstruct Palestinian Students’ Access to School

Israeli forces obstruct Palestinian students’ access to school. (Photo: via WAFA)

Israeli occupation soldiers obstructed the arrival of Palestinian students and teachers at 27 schools. Meanwhile, in the northern West Bank village of Burqa, classes were suspended following an Israeli military raid.

Israeli occupation forces obstructed the arrival of Palestinian students and teachers at 27 schools east of Yatta in the southern occupied West Bank, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Education.

The ministry said in a statement that Israeli soldiers set up checkpoints around Yatta and obstructed the arrival of teachers and students to their schools.

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Meanwhile, in the northern West Bank village of Burqa, classes were suspended following an Israeli military raid on Sunday night.

The ministry decided to suspend classes to safeguard the students and teachers following the Israeli army assault on the village, which led to the injury of a child by a live bullet and another by shrapnel.

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The Israeli army closed all access roads to the village with dirt mounds and cement blocks making movement in and out of the village impossible.

“Palestinian children living under Israeli military occupation in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip are routinely denied their (…) right to education,” according to the child rights organization Defense for Children International – Palestine.

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“For Palestinian children that must pass through Israeli military checkpoints to reach school, this results in missed class time, as well as subjecting children to violence, intimidation, and arbitrary arrest as children must interact with Israeli military personnel on the way to school,” the organization added.


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