By Jeremy Salt
This is the first part of an article by Professor Jeremy Salt, delving into the relentless backlash faced by those who dare to speak out for Palestine.
In December 2024, Randa Abdel-Fattah, a lawyer, novelist, and Future Fellow in the Department of Sociology at Macquarie University in Sydney, posted the following message on X-Twitter:
“May 2025 be the end of Israel. May it be the end of the US-Israel scourge on humanity. May we see the abolition of the death cult of Zionism and the end of the US empire and finally a world where the slaughter, annihilation and torture of Palestinians is no longer daily routine.”
She had previously accused Israel of “industrialized genocide, domicide, scholasticide, infanticide, femicide and ecocide” and described it as a “stolen land.” Every single one of these accusations stands proven from history and from facts on the ground during Israel’s onslaught on Gazan civilian life.
After December’s social media post, Dr. Abdel-Fattah was immediately set upon by Israel’s lobbyists and the Murdoch media, which includes Sky News television and accounts for most Australian national and capital city daily newspapers, as well as almost two-thirds of its regional and suburban newspapers. It also has a large social media and YouTube subscriber audience.
The head of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry (ECAJ), Alex Ryvchin, questioned Dr. Abdel-Fattah’s “fitness” as a public educator and called on the government to cut off all grants to her. “She has created an unacceptable risk for the welfare and health of Jews and Israelis at the university,” he said.
The Australian Jewish Association (AJA), accusing her of spreading hatred, called for the termination of her employment.
The campaign follows the targeting last year of the commentator Mary Kostakidis, whom the Zionist Federation of Australia (ZFA) took to the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) for allegedly breaching racial discrimination laws by posting a link to a speech by Hasan Nasrallah on social media.
The speech was made in January 2024 in the context of Israeli military losses in Gaza and what Nasrallah said, quoting the Israeli newspaper Yediot Ahronot, was that 300,000 new people had sought psychological therapy as a result of the Hamas Al-Aqsa Flood operation.
“You want to stay here (in Palestine)?” Nasrallah said. “That’s going to be very difficult. If you want to be secure, you want to feel secure, you have an American passport, go back to the United States. You have a British passport, go back to the UK. Here you don’t have a future. From the river to the sea, the land of Palestine is for the Palestinian people and for the Palestinian people.”
The AHRC process involves an attempt at reconciliation. If that is not successful, the complainant can then go to the Federal Court of Australia for a specific ruling that would become law. Claims by the Murdoch press and Israeli lobby groups that Mary Kostakidis had apologized are false, as she only apologized for the distress that might have been felt by some on viewing the Nasrallah speech.
As they do elsewhere, Israel’s lobbyists in Australia have a long history of vilifying academics and any public figure who stands up for Palestinian rights. In 2018, alleged anti-Semitism was used against Tim Anderson, a senior lecturer at the University of Sydney, after he showed his students a slide of the swastika superimposed over the Israeli flag. Irrespective of whether it was discussed in the classroom, following complaints by the ECAJ, Anderson was sacked by the university.
In 2019, Anderson and the National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) took action in the Federal Court of Australia, which ruled in a lower court hearing that academic freedom did not protect Anderson from dismissal. On appeal, the full court reversed the ruling and in October 2022 ruled that he had been unfairly dismissed.
In May 2024, the University of Sydney administration opened an investigation into remarks made by sociology professor Sujatha Fernandes, a high-flying academic who is also an adjunct professor of sociology at City University of New York and the author of books published by Duke University and Oxford University Press as well as articles published in the New York Times and Nation.
In a lecture, she had accused the western media of peddling fake news about October 7 to shore up support for Israel. ECAJ’s Alex Ryvchin subsequently accused her of “malice and contempt for rape victims.”
Sky News headlined its report in May that “Sydney University professor claims Hamas rape of women and baby beheadings ‘fake news’ in student lecture.” In fact, the rapes and the baby beheadings have long since been shown to be lies, proving Professor Fernandes’ point about the media.
Nick Riemer, the NTEU branch president at the University of Sydney, commenting on the Fernandes case, said NTEU members would not tolerate intimidation and censorship of Palestinian solidarity.
Now, however, it is Riemer, a senior lecturer at the university, and Professor John Keane who have been taken to the AHRC after accusations of racial discrimination by ‘Jewish staff and students.’ Although they have not been named, wishing to remain anonymous, the complaints against Keane were apparently brought by three staff and one student and against Riemer by three staff and two students.
In November, Murdoch’s Australian reported on a ‘complaint’ against a social media post by Riemer which said – as reported by the newspaper – that “no progressive should feel the need to publicly condemn any choices made by the Palestinian resistance… doing so just adds to the perception that the cause is unjust.” Professor Keane was ‘accused’ of showing a Hamas flag (which he said was just green).
On November 1, the Sydney legal firm Levitt Robinson filed two complaints with the AHRC alleging racial discrimination and racial vilification (anti-Semitism) by Riemer and Keane against Jewish students and academics.
If reconciliation failed, a class action would be launched in the Federal Court of Australia for a legal precedent “to stop Jews from being libeled by anti-Semites using ‘Zionist’ as a transparent codeword for Jew and in having such abuse recognized as unlawful and compensable.”
The class action would serve “as an investment in the future of Australia’s Jewish community” and as “a statement that we as a people will always stand with Israel through thick and thin.”
The University of Sydney had already responded to the pressure by commissioning a report recommending a ban on future protest camps and protests inside campus buildings, measures that would seriously inhibit student action inside a university with a long history of defending human rights.
Whether in Australia, the US, the UK, or Canada, the picture emerging is of a collaborative effort with Israel by ‘western’ governments, institutions, and the media to close down the ‘Palestine question’ for good.
Since the 1990s, the US and Israel have led a military campaign to ‘remake’ the Middle East. This has already led to two wars on Iraq, one on Libya, a proxy war on Syria, the refusal to intervene against genocide in Gaza and its transfer to the West Bank, and against Israel’s assassinations and carpet bombing of Lebanon.
Trump has now declared North Yemen’s Ansarallah government a ‘terrorist organization’ and is calling on the Palestinians of Gaza to be removed to Jordan and Egypt.
“I’m looking at the Gaza Strip right now and it’s a real mess… it’s literally a demolition site,” Trump has said, as if $30 billion worth of armaments supplied to Israel since October 7, 2023, now including the resupply of the 2000-pound (907 kg) bombs Biden had suspended, had nothing to do with it.
Palestine is the thorn in the collective west’s side. It has been an irritation for decades, and now the time has come to pluck it out because as long as there is a Palestine and a Palestinian resistance, the Middle East cannot be ‘remade.’
This has to be one of the most perverse situations in history. Governments technically committed to upholding the ‘international rules-based order’ are protecting a state that lives permanently outside that order.
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has found the charge of genocide “plausible,” and Israel’s prime minister has been indicted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Yet it is not Israel that is being proscribed for occupation and the state terrorism that runs in a linear path from the annihilation of Palestine in 1948 to the genocide in Gaza in 2023/25 but movements of resistance to this terrorism.
Israel feeds on this indulgence. It has increased its occupation of Syrian territory, has used the current ceasefire to move its tactics of destruction from Gaza to the West Bank, and has refused to withdraw from southern Lebanon when the ceasefire declared on November 27 ends.
In the Gaza genocide, however, Israel has sown the dragon’s teeth that will rise out of the ground to haunt it in the future. The 18,000 children it has orphaned are going to grow up, and some will take their revenge.
Tied to Israel, the western collective will have to pay the price as well. The time will surely come when the governments that continue to arm and protect Israel will regret the day Arthur James Balfour put his signature to the document that gave Palestine to the Zionists in 1917.
To read the second part of the article, click here.

– Jeremy Salt taught at the University of Melbourne, at Bosporus University in Istanbul and Bilkent University in Ankara for many years, specializing in the modern history of the Middle East. Among his recent publications is his 2008 book, The Unmaking of the Middle East. A History of Western Disorder in Arab Lands (University of California Press) and The Last Ottoman Wars. The Human Cost 1877-1923 (University of Utah Press, 2019). He contributed this article to The Palestine Chronicle.
“Stand with the Jewish community through genocide & thin slaughter of the more than two thirds women& CHILDREN OF GAZA … Yessiree!!!!