– Salsabeel Abu Loghod is a student at Al-Aqsa University in Gaza, specializing in English literature. Her writings appear in We Are Not Numbers. WANN contributed this article to The Palestine Chronicle.
– Salsabeel Abu Loghod is a student at Al-Aqsa University in Gaza, specializing in English literature. Her writings appear in We Are Not Numbers. WANN contributed this article to The Palestine Chronicle.
By Salsabeel Abu Loghod Abu al-Ghalaba,‘ father of the poor’, is the nickname Masoud Muhammad al-Qatati acquired for selling a plate of knafeh for only 1 shekel, and often giving it away to those who […]
By Salsabeel Abu Loghod After struggling for the last five years without any kind of support, and training in a small place below the house of Captain Osama Ayoub, The Palestinian Women’s Boxing Center was […]
A recent New York Times made many claims about the ‘mass rape’ of Israeli women on October 7. But two leading Palestinian media organizations, The Palestine Chronicle and Friends of Palestine Network, conducted a joint investigation, the outcome of which resulted in the ‘The Black Dress’, a groundbreaking 18-minute documentary looking into allegations and the possible falsification of evidence.
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