Army Chief: Gaza Could Face ‘New Operation’ from Israeli Military

Aviv Kohavi, former Israeli Army Chief of General Staff. (Photo: via Wikimedia Commons)

Gaza could again come under assault by the Israeli military, army chief Aviv Kochavi threatened on Wednesday.

“Perhaps we are preparing for a new operation in Gaza in the near future, and we do not and will not accept the violation of Israeli sovereignty, no matter who is behind it,” Kochavi was quoted by Anadolu as saying.

The chief of the general staff’s remarks appeared to be in reference to rockets and fire balloons reportedly being launched from Gaza and towards Israel.

Meanwhile, Israel is speeding up its preparations for potential action against Iran if Tehran fails to stop its nuclear efforts, according to Kochavi.

Part of the defense budget, agreed not long ago, is to be put to use in reinforcing Israel’s offense capabilities, Israeli outlet Walla reported.

The last large-scale Israeli military campaign against besieged Gaza occurred in May, when a deadly 11-day bombing campaign killed over 250 Palestinians, including dozens of children.

(The New Arab, PC, Social Media)

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