‘Battle of the Walls of Death’ – Israeli Forces Withdraw After 46 Hours, Leaving 12 Dead

Israeli forces were forced to withdraw under fire from the Palestinian Resistance in Jenin. (Photo: via Saraya Al-Quds military channels)

By Palestine Chronicle Staff  

Israeli forces stormed the town and camp of Jenin in the early hours of Tuesday with dozens of military vehicles accompanied by drones, and bulldozers used to destroy homes, roads and other infrastructure.

Thousands of Palestinians poured onto the streets of Jenin in the occupied West Bank on Thursday to attend the funerals of 12 people killed by Israeli forces during their nearly two-day-long siege of the area.

The funeral processions began at the Jenin Governmental Hospital with the deceased carried on the shoulders of mourners, as several speeches were delivered denouncing the ongoing Israeli aggression, the official Palestinian news agency, WAFA, reported.

Israeli forces stormed the town and camp of Jenin in the early hours of Tuesday with dozens of military vehicles accompanied by drones, and bulldozers used to destroy homes, roads and other infrastructure.

The siege left a trail of destruction, severely damaging infrastructure, including roads, electrical and water networks, sewage systems, commercial properties, vehicles, and vegetable stalls, reported WAFA.

West Bank Escalation – Israeli Forces Storm Jenin, Kill Seven Palestinians

Among those killed were Dr Osayd Kamal Jabareen, 51, the Head of the Surgery Department at Jenin Governmental Hospital; Allam Jaradat, 48, a school teacher; and four youths between the ages of 15 and 22. More than 20 others were injured during the raid.

Israeli forces also bombed more than 10 homes and completely demolished a two-story house belonging to the family of the martyr Ahmad Hani Barakat, the resistance fighter who was killed in an Israeli airstrike in the town in March this year.

‘The Walls of Death’

The armed wing of the Islamic Jihad Resistance Movement, the Saraya Al-Quds Jenin Brigade, said in a statement that “after 46 hours, the IOF (Israeli Occupation Forces) has completely withdrawn from Jenin camp after facing fierce resistance, unable to achieve their goals.”

The movement dubbed the clashes between resistance fighters and Israeli forces the “Battle of the Walls of Death,” saying Jenin and its camp “will be as it was: Walls on which invaders die and on whose rock all fascist conspiracies and plans are broken.”

Israeli Siege of Jenin – Death Toll Rises to Eight 

According to the official Resistance News Network (RNN) channel on Instagram, Israeli forces also opened fire on journalists, including the Al-Jazeera crew, during the invasion. The troops also surrounded the hotel where journalists were staying and a worker at the hotel was wounded by Israeli forces gunfire.

On Wednesday evening, Israeli forces besieged a vehicle at the Ahmadein roundabout and fired at the two occupants.

Wassim Jaradat, 15, was killed in the attack. He was previously shot by Israeli forces eight months ago in his home town of Silat Al-Harithiyah while confronting invading invading troops.

Youth Among Dead

In a statement on Thursday, the Islamic Jihad movement listed the deceased as follows: 1. Dr. Osayd Kamal Jabareen; 2. Bassem Mahmoud Turkman; 3. Muammar Muhammad Abu Omeira; 4. Amir Issam Abu Omeira; 5. Osama Muhammad Hjeir; 6. Allam Ziad Jaradat; 7. Mahmoud Amjad Hamadneh; 8. Jihad Muhammad Talib; 9. Sami Ayman Ahmed Qaisi; 10. Mustafa Ibrahim Jabareen; 11. Mahmoud Fares Qarini; and 12. Wassim Ahed Jaradat.

“We in the Islamic Jihad movement affirm that confrontation and resistance are our only way to defeat this criminal occupier, who does not hesitate for a moment to commit massacres against our people,” the statement added.

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In a statement on Tuesday, the Palestinian Resistance Movement, Hamas, said the “massacre in Jenin camp … is a desperate attempt by the occupation to deter our heroic people and valiant resistance.”

“This continues the series of the occupation’s crimes of killing, siege, and starvation in Rafah, Jabaliya, and various areas of the Gaza Strip.”

‘Special Forces Unit’ Discovered

Israel’s recent invasion of the Jenin refugee camp came after a special forces unit, affiliated with the border police, was discovered and fired upon by the Jenin Brigades, writes Robert Inlakesh.

Israeli forces then called in backup and were supported by the army, they would go on to murder primarily civilians. More than a dozen others were also injured.

Sowing Chaos – This is Why Israel is Invading Jenin, again

The Israeli army claims that these invasions, like had previously taken place in Nur Shams refugee camp a few weeks prior, are designed to combat “terrorists” and are part of their alleged fight against Hamas.

However, it is clear that the groups are oriented towards defending their camps, not launching unprovoked attacks and have only expanded as a result of the occupation army’s violence against them, Inlakesh wrote.


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