Leaked Video – Israeli Soldiers Sexually Assault Gaza Detainee

A leaked video showing Israeli soldiers sexually assaulting a Palestinian detainee from Gaza has emerged. (Photo: video grab)

By Palestine Chronicle Staff  

A leaked video showing Israeli soldiers sexually assaulting a Palestinian detainee from Gaza in the notorious Israeli detention camp, Sde Teiman, has emerged.

The footage from surveillance cameras, aired by Israeli Channel 12, shows a group of Israeli reservist soldiers picking a detainee out of more than 30 others, who are all laid on the ground blindfolded. The detainee is then taken to a corner.

“It is clear that they know about the surveillance cameras, and try to hide their act with shields,” the report said, according to the Anadolu news agency. “The video contains a documentation to the felony of the reservists: the act of sodomy in these circumstances.”

The report said the detainee was bleeding and was taken to hospital after several hours, where his condition was described as “complex.”

“The injury was caused by the insertion of an object,” the channel said, quoting a medical report.

Considered ‘Heroes’

Following the arrest of at least nine soldiers for committing the act on July 29, Israeli right-wing protesters, including politicians, broke into two military bases in southern and central Israel.

Torturers as ‘Heroes’ – Clashes Erupt at Israeli Military Camp

The soldiers reportedly refused to cooperate with the military police.

Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir condemned the military police’s actions, calling the arrests of the “heroes” at the Sde Teiman camp in the Naqab “very shameful.”

Israeli military prosecution claims it is still investigating the incident, but has not filed any charges against the accused.

In recent months, numerous reports have emerged of mass abuse of Palestinian prisoners from Gaza at the Sde Teiman prison in the Negev desert, southern Israel. Israeli authorities often claim to investigate the incidents, but tangible results are rarely seen.

Last month, Israel’s Attorney-General requested the closure of the now-infamous Sde Teiman detention center “immediately”, Anadolu reported, citing Israeli media.

Torturers as ‘Heroes’ – Clashes Erupt at Israeli Military Camp

In May, the ACRI, Physicians for Human Rights Israel (PHRI), the Centre for the Defence of the Individual (HaMoked), and the Committee Against Torture in Israel (PCATI) filed a petition to the Supreme Court “calling for the facility’s closure and the removal of all detainees” after numerous appeals by organizations to the government and the military went unanswered.

“The petition cited the inhumane conditions at the site and the absence of any external oversight or monitoring,” the PHRI said.

‘Systemic Policy’ of Abuse

A new report by the B’Tselem Israeli human rights group has documented testimonies from 55 Palestinians incarcerated in Israeli detention facilities.

Titled ‘Welcome to Hell’ the report indicates “a systemic, institutional policy focused on the continual abuse and torture of all Palestinian prisoners held by Israel.”

It documented frequent acts of severe, arbitrary violence; sexual assault; humiliation and degradation, deliberate starvation; forced unhygienic conditions; sleep deprivation, prohibition on, and punitive measures for, religious worship; confiscation of all communal and personal belongings; and denial of adequate medical treatment.

The organization said “no less than 60” Palestinian prisoners have died in Israeli custody.

The report also documented “unrelenting physical and psychological abuse,” with testimonies attesting to physical, sexual, psychological and verbal violence, directed at all Palestinian prisoners and “perpetrated in an arbitrary, menacing fashion, usually under a shroud of anonymity.”

“The scope of violence emerging from the testimonies clarifies that these are not isolated, random incidents, but rather an institutional policy integral to the treatment of prisoners,” said B’Tselem.

(PC, Anadolu)

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  1. Only scumbags rape. But obviously these gay soldiers did this, not because they’re queer, but to demean the prisoner and deny him his dignity and humanity. And if they can rape a man, they can rape a child. These Nazi Israelis would f#ck an elderly person, or an animal. They’re sick pigs.

  2. This is not the conduct of a chosen people, this is the act of a demon possessed monster. It is absolutely clear that these cowards and their criminal leadership have to pay for these acts.

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