We need your help now, because the fight for truth cannot be postponed. Your solidarity is greatly appreciated.
Dear Reader,
We will not bother you by restating facts.
We will not waste your time by explaining why we are living in the most consequential period in the history of Palestine.
Indeed, we are at the crossroads between freedom for Palestinians and the triumph of racism, colonialism, and hate.
If you are a regular reader of the Palestine Chronicle, you already know all of this.
You must also have known that:
One, the Palestine Chronicle is one of the most crucial independent media platforms on Palestine anywhere in the world, not just in one language, but three.
Two, that the courage of our writers and reporters is simply unparalleled.
Three, we are one of the most targeted voices that speak out against Israeli atrocities in Gaza, Palestine, and the whole region.
It also goes without saying that without your support, The Palestine Chronicle would cease to exist.
We are a small but effective and extremely efficient team. Every dollar you contribute is tripled in value, because of the dedication and sacrifices of our staff.
If you want to see our impactful work continue and our powerful message grow even more powerful, please GIVE NOW and give generously.
We are a non-profit 501(c)3 organization. This means that your donations, at least in the US, are tax deductible.
You can donate to us using the following methods.
– Paypal
– GoFundMe
– Post Office
PO Box 196
Mountlake Terrace
WA, 98043
Dear Reader, WE NEED YOUR HELP NOW, because the fight for truth cannot be postponed.
Your solidarity is greatly appreciated.
(The Palestine Chronicle)
The Palestine Chronicle is an essential, trusted news source. They’re number one! The world needs to know the real truth: the staff at Palestine Chronicle is obviously dedicated, and vital. I proudly support them monthly, and will continue to do so.
Is there a way to donate with crypto (ie: XMR).