Palestinian Resistance Launch Major Attack on Israel: What Happened? – LIVE BLOG

Palestinian Resistance fighters infiltrated into settlements bordering the besieged Gaza Strip. (Photo: Supplied)

By Palestine Chronicle Staff  

In an unprecedented move, the Palestinian Resistance in Gaza launched a major attack on Israel on Saturday morning, October 7. In response, Israel declared war.

This blog has been discontinued. Visit latest blogs:

– DAY ONE: Palestinian Resistance Launch Major Attack on Israel: What Happened? – LIVE BLOG

– DAY TWO: Al-Aqsa Flood Operation’ Continues, Israeli Airstrikes Kill Hundreds in Gaza – LIVE BLOG

– DAY THREE: War on Gaza Escalates: Calls for Genocide as Thousands Targeted in Besieged Strip – LIVE BLOG

– DAY FOUR: Fourth Day of Al-Aqsa Flood: Israel Carries Out Massacres, Resistance Fights Back – LIVE BLOG

Occupied Palestine woke up this morning to the news of a major military campaign launched by the Palestinian Resistance, targeting various Israeli cities and settlements.

Sources in the Resistance say that the well-coordinated attack is a response to the Israeli army and settlers’ violence in the West Bank and the killing of a large number of children.

So, what happened exactly?

Sunday, October 8, 8:00 am (GMT+3)

Israeli Army Radio: Sirens sounded in southern Gaza after drones originating from the Strip entered Israel.

Palestine Chronicle Correspondent:

– Four residential towers have been bombed in Gaza overnight.

– Israeli strikes target the Hamza Mosque in the Nuseirat Refugee Camp in central Gaza.

– A residential home targeted and destroyed in Beit Lahia.

Al-Aqsa Radio: The homes of top political and military leaders of Hamas targeted by Israeli strikes. They include the home of Nizar Awadallah, Issam Da’lis and Yahya Sinwar.

Israeli Radio: Israeli eyewitnesses report infiltration of new Palestinian fighters in the Eshkol region.

Sunday, October 8, 4:16 am (GMT+3)

Medical Source to Aljazeera Arabic: 12 Palestinians from the same family killed in intense Israeli bombing of two homes in the town of Beit Hanoun, in the northern Gaza Strip.

Sunday, October 8, 4:10 am (GMT+3)

Reuters: US Federal Aviation Administration calls on all flights to avoid the Israeli air space due to the ongoing war.

Sunday, October 8, 3:15 am (GMT+3)

UN Humanitarian Coordination Office: Nearly 20 thousand Palestinian civilians seek shelters in schools and emergency shelters.

Sunday, October 8, 3:15 am (GMT+3)

Israeli Army Radio: Three Israeli soldiers wounded in Ofakim.

Abu Obeida Tells Netanyahu: ‘Don’t Miscalculate’

Sunday, October 8, 3:00 am (GMT+3)

Israeli medical source: 6 injured, one seriously as a result of rocket shelling on Ashkelon.

Sunday, October 8, 2:45 am (GMT+3)

Qassam Brigades: We shelled Ashkelon with 100 rockets in response to Israeli bombing of civilian homes in Gaza.

Sunday, October 8, 2:30 am (GMT+3)

Aljazeera Arabic: Several dead and wounded pulled from under the rubble of a house bombed by the Israeli military in Beit Hanoun.

Sunday, October 8, 2:15 am (GMT+3)

Aljazeera Arabic: Several Palestinians were killed and wounded in an Israeli attack that completely destroyed two houses in town of Shabbura in Rafah.

Panic at Israel’s Ben Gurion Airport Tells of Much Bigger Story – WATCH

Saturday, October 7, 11:55 pm (GMT+3)

Israeli media: 250 Israelis were killed and at least 1,450 more wounded in the Al-Aqsa Flood operation.

These Are the Latest Figures of Palestinians and Israelis Killed and Wounded in Operation ‘Al-Quds Flood’

Saturday, October 7, 9:00 pm (GMT+3)

Israeli media: 200 Israelis were killed and at least 1,000 more wounded in the Al-Aqsa Flood operation.

Palestinian Ministry of Health: 232 killed, 1,627 wounded as a result of Israeli airstrikes on besieged Gaza Strip.

Saturday, October 7, 7:20 pm (GMT+3)

Abu Obeida, military spokesperson for Al-Qassam Brigades: “We hold tens of Israeli prisoners, including high-ranking officers and soldiers – All captured Israelis are in safe areas and some of them are placed in the Resistance tunnels.”

Spokesperson for Israel’s Foreign Ministry: We know that the number of dead, captured, and missing is large but we are determined to fight for our security.

Haaretz: Several Israeli military positions are currently in the hands of Hamas fighters.

Maariv: 985 wounded Israelis have arrived to hospitals.

Haaretz: Palestinian fighters are in control of large areas at the border between Gaza and Israel.

Aljazeera: Israel destroys another residential tower, west of Gaza City.

Saturday, October 7, 6:30 pm (GMT+3)

Media: Israel blows up the Palestine Tower in Gaza. Al-Qassam Brigades responds by saying that “Tel Aviv must now stand on one foot.”

Ismail Haniyeh, head of Hamas’ political bureau in a televised speech:

– We are set for a great victory, starting from Gaza.

– This is the battle of liberating Jerusalem, our people, and our prisoners.

– Gaza is washing the shame of the defeat from the whole ummah.

– (To Israel): we have warned you, and warned the whole world that we will not keep silent considering what the Israeli army and settlers are doing in Al-Quds and Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Saturday, October 7, 5:30 pm (GMT+3)

Dozens of fighters carrying Hezbollah flags have been spotted circulating in their motorbikes near the Lebanese-Israeli border.

Israeli soldiers reportedly fired in the air as the motorbike parade drew closer.

Saturday, October 7, 4:30 pm (GMT+3)

Israeli Channel 12:

At least 100 Israelis were killed in the Al-Aqsa Flood operation.

Saturday, October 7, 3:25 pm (GMT+3)

Aljazeera Arabic: Medical sources say over 160 Palestinians killed and over 1,000 wounded in Israeli attacks on Gaza.

Number of Palestinians Killed and Wounded in Israeli Strikes on Gaza Revealed

Saturday, October 7, 3:10 pm (GMT+3)

Palestinian Ministry of Health issued a statement regarding the total number of Palestinians killed and wounded as a result of Israeli strikes on various towns and refugee camps in Gaza:

– Gaza: 35 killed and over 160 wounded.

– Khan Younis: 45 killed and over 180 wounded.

– Northern region: 40 killed and nearly 200 wounded.

– Central Gaza: 29 killed and 311 wounded.

– Rafah: 12 killed and 80 wounded.

Saturday, October 7, 2:45 pm (GMT+3)

Palestine Chronicle: Gaza is under intense Israeli bombardment targeting many locations including Jabaliya, Bureij, Khan Younis and other regions.

Saturday, October 7, 2:30 pm (GMT+3)

Aljazeera Arabic: Many Palestinians killed and wounded in latest Israeli strikes on Gaza. Many of the wounded are unreachable.

Saturday, October 7, 2:15 pm (GMT+3)

Israeli Media: The Israeli police places checkpoints around the city of Tel Aviv. (Cited by Aljazeera Arabic)

Saturday, October 7, 1:45 pm (GMT+3)

Islamic Jihad: We have captured a number of Israeli soldiers.

Saturday, October 7, 12:35 pm (GMT+3)

Aljazeera Arabic, citing Israeli media: 22 Israelis killed, over 500 wounded since the start of the Palestinian operation inside Israel. Many Israeli soldiers are also captured.

Saturday, October 7, 12:30 pm (GMT+3)

Reuters, citing Israeli Channel 12:

22 Israelis killed in the Hamas attack.

Saturday, October 7, 12:30 pm (GMT+3)

Palestinian Ministry of Education: All schools are to be shut down in Gaza due to the war.

Saturday, October 7, 12:25 pm (GMT+3)

Israeli Ministery of Education: All schools are to be shut down throughout Israel.

Saturday, October 7, 12:25 pm (GMT+3)

Maariv: The Israeli government was surprised by the attack and the Israeli army failed at its mission.

Saturday, October 7, 12:20 pm (GMT+3)

Hamas: Three settlements are fully under the control of the Palestinian Resistance. Israel confirms the claim.

Saturday, October 7, 12:15 pm (GMT+3)

Aljazeera: There are holes in the Israeli fence separating besieged Gaza from Israel, which is being used by fighters to move freely between Gaza and Israel.

Saturday, October 7, 12:10 pm (GMT+3)

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: We are at war.

Saturday, October 7, 12:00 pm (GMT+3)

Israel Channel 12: The Palestinian Resistance is effectively in control of all Israeli settlements at the Gaza border.

Saturday, October 7, 11:30 am (GMT+3)

Ynet News: More than 250 wounded Israelis have been taken to hospitals, some in critical condition.

Saturday, October 7, 11:00 am (GMT+3)

Israeli military launches military operation ‘Iron Swords’.

Saturday, October 7, 10:30 am (GMT+3)

Israeli media:

Ofir Liebstein, the head of the Israel regional council in the Sha’ar Hanegev region has been killed by Palestinian fighters.

Saturday, October 7, 10:30 am (GMT+3)

Israeli Radio:

Hamas has detained 35 Israelis so far.

Saturday, October 7, 10:15 am (GMT+3)

Israeli military:

Israel is engaging Hamas fighters in ‘numerous’ locations inside Israel.

Saturday, October 7, 10:00 am (GMT+3)

Israeli Radio

Hamas has attacked 21 military bases inside Israel and is currently holding many Israelis hostage.

Saturday, October 7, 09:45 (GMT+3)

Israeli occupation army evacuates its air bases near the #Gaza Strip as resistance fighters begin to approach them.

Saturday, October 7, 09:18 (GMT+3)

Israel Broadcasting Corporation: 

– The Israeli army has called on all reserves to return to military bases. 

– Hamas fighters take over a police station in the town of Sderot, casualties reported.

Saturday, October 7, 09:00 (GMT+3)

Aljazeera Arabic: 

– Israel has lost control over the Erez checkpoint (Beit Hanoun crossing) and another military base.

Saturday, October 7, 08:45(GMT+3)

Israeli Red Star of David:

The number of those killed in Hamas’s Operation” is countless.

Saturday, October 7, 08:30(GMT+3)

YNet News: 

Dozens of Palestinian fighters stormed an Israeli military base and arrested soldiers. 

Saturday, October 7, 08:30(GMT+3)

Palestine Chronicle Correspondents: 

– Israel bombs many Gaza targets, especially areas near the fence separating besieged Gaza from Israel. 

– Israel shuts down many roads and crossings in the West Bank. 

Saturday, October 7, 07:30 (GMT+3)

Unlike previous resistance campaigns, this one included the infiltration of Resistance fighters into settlements bordering the besieged Gaza Strip.

The infiltration was carried out by air, land, and sea.

Videos sent to The Palestine Chronicle show Palestinian fighters transported inside Israeli towns while others taking over the rooftops of buildings in Sderot.

Another video showed a Palestinian fighter parachuting over an Israeli settlement.

Some of the Palestinian strikes have reportedly hit precise targets in Tel Aviv, Ashdod, and other cities, resulting in Israeli casualties.

Meanwhile, in Gaza, two Palestinians were reportedly killed by the Israeli military although the precise circumstances of their death remain unclear.

Palestine Chronicle correspondent said that a spokesperson for the Al-Qassam Brigades will make a statement soon, explaining the circumstances behind the Resistance move.

Aljazeera Arabic correspondent Walid al-Omari said that tens of fighters are already inside Israel, and local footage showed Palestinian fighters marching inside Israeli towns.

The Israeli military said that the Iron Dome has been activated throughout the larger Tel Aviv area, in Ashdod and West of Jerusalem.

Early analyses show that the Iron Dome has failed to intercept many of the Palestinian rockets.

Palestinian strikes have also reportedly hit the towns of Bir Saba’ (Beirsheeba) and Kiryat Gat.

This is a developing story. More information will follow.

(The Palestine Chronicle)

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